martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

This Post Is Entirely in English So It Doesn't Count As Spanglish

One Night Stands Are Exactly Like Relationships, Only Shorter

Case Study 1:
First, you are strangers. One of you makes eye contact and introduces himself to the other one. Second, one of you is always more interested. It sucks, but truthfully, all relationships start like that. Unless, of course, you live in Forks. After that, the courtship begins: calling before 9:00 PM, texting and several types of invitations: movies, beach, dinners, coffee and the potentialaly awkward breakfast for some of you liberated and rare types that go to bed with the person you are dating but are not in an actual relationship yet. Later, you formalize: you have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend. You run the other's errands, you attend all sorts of formal parties together, you talk to the inlaws a few times during the week and you obviosly see them on sundays. After a few months or years, you hate each other guts, he desperately tries to break up and when all is-sometimes- said, you say you regret loving him and caring for him all that time. You end up ignoring him or her everytime you see each other, as if it were a lamp or a random stranger at a birthday party.

Case Study 2:
First, you are strangers. One of you makes eye contact and introduces him-or her-self to the other one. One of you is always more interested. It sucks, but truthfully, it's always like that. After that, the courtship begins: he buys her a drink or she lets her have a sip of hers. Later, you formalize. He may offer to "drive her home" or she might say "get me out of here." You make out at a car or have sex in a motel. After a few hours, one of you tries desperately to remember the other person's name while the other gets dressed silently. Both of you regret it and you just go right back to random strangers next time you see him or her at whatever bar that awkward encounter might happen.

You never thought of it that way, huh?

8 comentarios:

Victor Marin Viloria dijo...

simplemente GENIAL Andreína Rancel!!

Alex N. dijo...

my choice: case 2..less pain! good post...

Toto dijo...

clap clap clap tienes toda la razon.

Unknown dijo...

And my question is: Andreína, what inspired you to make this post?

Rol dijo...

Dude Dude Dude
muy bueno muy bueno.

Manuel Trotta Gamus dijo...

Demasiado Clase media Rangel! You can do better than this

Manuel Trotta Gamus dijo...


La Perfecta dijo...

Lo mejor (o peor) es ese primer encuentro de después de (si es que pasa).
Ahí es cuando uno se da cuenta que todos estamos preparados para hacernos los pendejos olímpicamente.

"mucho gusto", "creo que ya nos conocíamos", "como que sí, no?", "permiso, voy a comprar querosén".

Un beso, marik